Orders are processed in the order received. Currently, orders for his res portraits are taking 2-4 weeks to complete. Web res/instant downloads and his res photos from events are unaffected and should be delivered instantly or within a week. If you need a high res portrait file urgently, please email us for a quote on rush processing.

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Due to the custom nature of photos and edits, once processed, payments for orders are non-refundable. Payment is due at the time the order is placed. Retainers are due when a session is booked to hold your date.
Retainer fees for private sessions that do not include studio rental will be credited you to your account for use with 30 days of the original date if more than 72 hours notice is given to cancel an appointment. Cancellations within 72 hours of the scheduled appointment, will result in retainer fees being forfeited unless the Photographer determines the session should be cancelled due to unsafe conditions.
Processing of orders begins when payments are processed and items in the order are available. (Ie: if you pre-order a disc or prints at an event your processing and shipping time do not begin until we receive your image/file names from you). Processing and shipping times are approximate. We are not responsible for the ultimate speed of delivery unless a trackable shipping option is selected (usps/ups). In the unlikely event an order does not reach the customer, it may not be replaced/shipped again until 30 days after the first attempted shipment to allow plenty of time for delays in delivery.
If you are unhappy with a product you purchased, please contact us and we will work with you to resolve your issue. Any unpaid orders over 60 days, cancelled checks or credit card charge-backs will be pursued as outstanding debt on your account and may be sent to a debt collector for payment. If you have an outstanding balance with us that will be included when future orders are placed. There is a $35 administrative fee for returned/cancelled checks as well as for credit card charge-backs.
Printed products are not permitted to be scanned or reproduced in any way. Digital files are for personal use only and may not be altered (cropped, color changed, etc) or used commercially (breed ads for your dogs 'win/brags' are permitted) without the written consent of the Photographer.